/** * @fileoverview This file contains the code to authorize the user to the GitHub API * @license Apache-2.0 * @version 2.0.0 * * @author Michael Hay <michael.hay@mediumroast.io> * @file authorize.js * @copyright 2024 Mediumroast, Inc. All rights reserved. * * @class GitHubAuth * @classdesc This class is used to authorize the user to the GitHub API * * @requires axios * @requires open * @requires octoDevAuth * @requires chalk * @requires cli-table3 * @requires configparser * @requires FilesystemOperators * * @exports GitHubAuth * * @example * import {GitHubAuth} from './api/authorize.js' * const github = new GitHubAuth(env, environ, configFile) * const githubToken = github.verifyAccessToken() * */ import open from "open" import * as octoDevAuth from '@octokit/auth-oauth-device' import chalk from "chalk" import Table from 'cli-table3' import FilesystemOperators from '../cli/filesystem.js' class GitHubAuth { /** * @constructor * @param {Object} env - The environment object * @param {Object} environ - The environmentals object * @param {String} configFile - The configuration file */ constructor (env, environ, configFile, configExists) { this.env = env this.clientType = 'github-app' this.configFile = configFile this.configExists = configExists this.filesystem = new FilesystemOperators() this.environ = environ // Use ternary operator to determine if the config file exists and if it does read it else set it to null this.config = configExists ? environ.readConfig(configFile) : null } verifyGitHubSection () { if (!this.config) { return false } return this.config.hasSection('GitHub') } _getFromConfig (section, option) { const hasOption = this.config.hasKey(section, option) if (hasOption) { return this.config.get(section, option) } else { return null } } getAccessTokenFromConfig () { return this._getFromConfig('GitHub', 'token') } getAuthTypeFromConfig () { return this._getFromConfig('GitHub', 'authType') } async checkTokenExpiration(token) { const response = await fetch('https://api.github.com/user', { method: 'GET', headers: { 'Authorization': `token ${token}`, 'Accept': 'application/vnd.github.v3+json' } }) if (!response.ok) { return [false, {status_code: 500, status_msg: response.statusText}, null] } const data = await response.json() return [true, {status_code: 200, status_msg: response.statusText}, data] } /** * @async * @function getAccessTokenDeviceFlow * @description Get the access token using the device flow * @returns {Object} The access token object */ async getAccessTokenDeviceFlow() { // Set the clientId depending on if the config file exists const clientId = this.configExists ? this.env.clientId : this.env.GitHub.clientId // Construct the oAuth device flow object which starts the browser let deviceCode // Provide a place for the device code to be captured const deviceauth = octoDevAuth.createOAuthDeviceAuth({ clientType: this.clientType, clientId: clientId, onVerification(verifier) { deviceCode = verifier.device_code // Print the verification artifact to the console console.log( chalk.blue.bold(`If supported opening your browser to the Authorization website.\nIf your browser doesn't open, please copy and paste the Authorization website URL into your browser's address bar.\n`) ) const authWebsitePrefix = `Authorization website:` const authCodePrefix = `Authorization code:` const authWebsite = chalk.bold.red(verifier.verification_uri) const authCode = chalk.bold.red(verifier.user_code) const table = new Table({ rows: [ [authWebsitePrefix, authWebsite], [authCodePrefix, authCode] ] }) // Get the table as a string const tableString = table.toString() // Check to see if the table string is empty if (tableString !== '') { // Print the table to the console, since not empty console.log(tableString) } else { // Print strings to the console, since empty console.log(`\t${authWebsitePrefix} ${authWebsite}`) console.log(`\t${authCodePrefix} ${authCode}`) } console.log(`\nCopy and paste the Authorization code into correct field on the Authorization website. Once authorized setup will continue.\n`) open(verifier.verification_uri) } }) // Call GitHub to obtain the token let accessToken = await deviceauth({type: 'oauth'}) accessToken.deviceCode = deviceCode return accessToken } /** * @async * @function verifyAccessToken * @description Verify if the access token is valid and if not get a new one depending on this.env.authType * @param {Boolean} saveToConfig - Save to the configuration file, default is true */ async verifyAccessToken (saveToConfig=true) { if (this.configExists) { // Get key variables from the config file const hasGitHubSection = this.verifyGitHubSection() // If the GitHub section is not available, then the token is not available, return false. // This is only to be used when called from a function that intendes to setup the configuration file, but // just in case this condition occurs we want to return clearly to the caller. if (!hasGitHubSection) { return [false, {status_code: 500, status_msg: 'The GitHub section is not available in the configuration file'}, null] } } // Get the access token and authType from the config file since the section is available let accessToken // If the configuration exists then we can obtain the token and authType from the config file, but if // the configuration is not present and the intention is to use PAT this code won't be executed. Therefore, // prompting the user for the PAT, verifyin the PAT, and saving the PAT to the config file will be done in the // caller. However, if the intention is to use deviceFlow then we can support that here and return the token to the // caller which will then save the token and the authType to the config file. let authType = 'deviceFlow' if (this.configExists) { accessToken = this.getAccessTokenFromConfig() authType = this.getAuthTypeFromConfig() } // Check to see if the token is valid but if the config isn't present then we can't check the token const validToken = this.configExists ? await this.checkTokenExpiration(accessToken) : [false, {status_code: 500, status_msg: 'The configuration file isn\'t present'}, null] if (validToken[0] && this.configExists) { return [ true, {status_code: 200, status_msg: validToken[1].status_msg}, {token: accessToken, authType: authType} ] // If the token is not valid, then we need to return to the caller (PAT) or get a new token (deviceFlow) } else { // Case for a Personal Access Token if (authType === 'pat') { // Return the error message to the caller return [ false, {status_code: 500, status_msg: `The Personal Access Token appears to be invalid and was rejected with an error message [${validToken[1].status_msg}].\n\tPlease obtain a new PAT and update the GitHub token setting in the configuration file [${this.configFile}].`}, null ] // Case for the device flow } else if (authType === 'deviceFlow') { // Get the new access token accessToken = await this.getAccessTokenDeviceFlow() // Update the config if the config file exists and if saveToConfig is true if (this.configExists && this.config && this.saveToConfig) { let tmpConfig = this.environ.updateConfigSetting(this.config, 'GitHub', 'token', accessToken.token) tmpConfig = this.environ.updateConfigSetting(tmpConfig[1], 'GitHub', 'authType', authType) tmpConfig = this.environ.updateConfigSetting(tmpConfig[1], 'GitHub', 'deviceCode', accessToken.deviceCode) // Save the config file if needed this.config = tmpConfig[1] if (saveToConfig) { await this.config.write(this.configFile) } } return [ true, {status_code: 200, status_msg: `The access token has been successfully updated and saved to the configuration file [${this.configFile}]`}, {token: accessToken.token, authType: authType, deviceCode: accessToken.deviceCode} ] } } } decodeJWT (token) { if(token !== null || token !== undefined){ const base64String = token.split('.')[1] const decodedValue = JSON.parse( Buffer.from( base64String, 'base64') .toString('ascii') ) return decodedValue } return null } } export {GitHubAuth}